I believe the last four months have revealed the greatness of the church in America.
I believe this because of the prophetic words of Peter in Acts Chapter 2, as he recited the words of Joel: "'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy" (Acts 2:17-18, ESV).
Peter states that in the last days, God is going to use men and women of all ages as catalysts of faith.
We are seeing this passage come to life as He imparts a powerful vision to Spirit-inspired young people and dreams are being released by those who many believed were retired or their time had passed.
The key word I want to look at from this passage is "servants." "Even on my male servants and female servants, in those days, I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy."
As we have watched tragedy, nightmares and drama unfold, the role of a servant has become the key to holding society together.
Three types of people are profound in influencing our culture today are stars, swords and servants.
We use the word "star" for personalities we admire. These stars exist in sports, the arts, politics and other areas of influence. These are people that remind us of greatness. Tiger Woods is known as a golf star. People call him a star because he can do things that feel magical, distant and out of reach by ordinary people.
Then there are swords. Swords are people who continue to deal with the hurt and pain that exists in this world. I thank God for the military and the police. Don't get me wrong; I understand that evil exists in this world and that the enemy can use swords to rob, kill and destroy. However, in this world that carries a curse of sin, I thank God for the good and caring people who put their lives on the line so my grandchildren can live free from fear.
Now, let's take a look at servants. Servants are the people who go low so that the rest of civilization can go higher. In the kingdom of God, Jesus said, servants are the ones who will stand and speak the Word. They do so backed by a heart of love along with hands and feet that are ready to go into the darkness.
Think about it: Where would we be today without the servants in the medical field? There are countless who have risked their lives, and most of us will never know their names. However, they have overwhelmingly given life in an atmosphere of death.
I believe that the people of God (churches and leaders) have shown the glory of God during this time because they have become servants.
They have spoken words that lifted those who had fallen.
They have built up those who have seen their lives broken.
They have been voices cheering others on even amid fear, doubt, failure and when the clouds of death have hung low.
More people are listening to the message of Jesus right now than perhaps in all of history. They will continue to listen if they see servants of the Most High God giving their absolute best.
Let us press on, church, for the fields are ripe for the harvest. Let us continue to love, to comfort, and to show up in the darkest places with the brightest light, Jesus.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it" (John 1:5, NLT).
You're beautiful. I see Jesus in you.
Have a great week!
Mikel French has challenged spiritual awakening all across America, where many celebrations extended into multiple weeks, and has conducted celebrations in France, Sweden, Russia, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Germany, South Africa, Malawi, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Haiti, Japan, Singapore, India and Thailand. He conducted an outreach celebration in Manila, Philippines, reaching 200,000 teenagers with the book of hope. Through the generous support of partners, he has presented the message of Jesus Christ to millions of people in the nation of Russia through televised citywide soul-winning celebrations. Mikel considers it an honor to assist in conducting the annual pastor's conference, where thousands of pastors from Russia's 11 time zones come for training, teaching and equipping. Mikel and his wife, Marsha, reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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