I've always believed and taught that God uses our pain to help others. I've seen that to be true over and over in my life—and in the lives of those in our Saddleback family. Much of the Purpose Driven framework for ministry came from a time of deep pain I experienced early in my ministry.
Celebrate Recovery was born out of the pain of my dear friend, John Baker.
The same is true with our church's mental health ministries. My youngest son, Matthew, struggled since childhood with all kinds of mental and emotional pain. These challenges were difficult for him and our family.
Then, the day came I prayed would never happen. Matthew lost his battle with mental illness and, in a moment of despair, took his life. It was the worst day of my life.
Although not everything that happens in our life is God's will, I do know he can turn bad into good. God doesn't want us to ever waste a hurt.
That's why Kay and I decided to use our pain to help others. As we developed our church's mental illness ministry, we focused on five goals. I believe these goals are important for every church as we begin to tackle mental illness:
1. Take the lead in dealing with mental illness. I don't just believe the church has a role in mental health. I believe we must take the lead. Here's why:
— Biblically, Jesus ministered to people in a variety of different ways—including caring about their mental health. Jesus doesn't just care about our souls going to heaven and our minds learning the truth. He cares about our bodies, too. Jesus' ministry clearly cared for people who struggled with mental illness.
— Historically, the church has a 2,000-year track record of caring for the sick, including the mentally ill. It wasn't the government or health care agencies that invented the hospital. It was the church. It's no accident that the first hospital in almost every country in the world was started by Christian missionaries.
— Practically, people typically contact their church when they're in pain. Before a person in pain calls anyone else for help, they often call their priest, pastor or spiritual leader. From our experience, we know people need help with mental health challenges at all times of the day or night. The church can be equipped to be there during those times.
2. Remove the stigma. The real reason people are hesitant to talk about mental illness is fear. There's no stigma attached to repairing a broken bone. It shouldn't be any different for mental illness.
Removing the stigma of mental illness starts with the church recognizing this truth: We are all broken. Pastor, you're broken, and I'm broken. Every person we see throughout the day is broken—no matter how healthy they appear on the outside. We need to constantly talk about this. We must admit as leaders when we struggle with mental illnesses, such as depression, so people won't feel alone in their own struggles.
3. Equip and educate your congregation. Pastors aren't the only ones who need to understand and be ready to help people with mental illness. For the church to be on the front lines of this ministry, everyone needs to be ready. Often it's the receptionist answering the phone or the small group leader who is called upon to meet these important ministry needs.
Pastors can't do this on their own. They need the support of other trained leaders.
4. Make families aware of the available resources. When Kay and I were struggling with our youngest son's mental illness, we often felt overwhelmed and didn't know where to turn. We looked and looked, and sometimes we couldn't find any help—but it was out there.
You have an opportunity to open the door for conversations in your community between health care agencies and churches. You can provide a space for academics and institutions of higher learning to talk with your congregation (and other churches) about mental and emotional health issues. You can be a connector for people in your community to find the help they need.
Explore Kay Warren's resources on Mental Health here.
5. Support people living with mental illness. Let's show people that we care about their pain. Let's remind them, "Your illness is not your identity, and your chemistry is not your character." God has a purpose and plan for every person—regardless of the struggles they face.
Every person we engage is worth loving. God's Word is clear about that, but many of us struggle to believe it. We must help everyone see—and believe—this truth.
Pastor, maybe you're struggling with mental health challenges right now. As you plan to live out these five principles in your church, realize that you, too, are valuable to God. Just as He will use the pain of others to help people, He will use your pain also. Don't let your own struggles with mental illness convince you to sit on the sidelines. Instead, let it fuel your service.
Your church can be a place of healing and hope in your community. No matter the size or the location of your church, you have a part to play.
Learn how you can start a mental health ministry in your church here.
For the original article, visit pastors.com.
Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church, one of America's largest and most influential churches. He is the author of the New York Times' bestseller The Purpose Driven Life. His book The Purpose Driven Church was named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th century. Pastor Rick started The PEACE Plan to show the local church how God works through ordinary people to address the five global giants of spiritual emptiness, self-serving leadership, poverty, disease and illiteracy. You can listen to Daily Hope, Pastor Rick's daily 25-minute audio teaching, or sign up for his free daily devotionals at PastorRick.com. He is also the founder of pastors.com, a global online community created to encourage pastors.
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