Mike Bickle Announces IHOPKC Will Reset: 'The Holy Spirit's Demanding a New Focus' "In the prophetic movement and the prayer movement, it's a new era. It's a new season." 3:00PM EDT 10/6/2018
4 Biblical Keys to Breakthrough Prayer That Works Breakthrough prayer generates an abrupt, violent and sudden rupture of what is hindering us. 1:00PM EDT 10/6/2018
7 Life-Changing Prayers for Your Church It's an incredibly powerful movement when an entire congregation reads the same devotional and then prays the same prayer. 5:00PM EDT 9/26/2018
8 Ways to Pray for Your Church Today May God guide you to people and needs as you pray at the beginning of this week! 5:00PM EDT 9/24/2018
Megachurch Pastor Carter Conlon: Why Your Prayers May Not Yield Results "Today, we look for the power, but if we don't understand the purpose of the power of God, then we just end up seeking this sensory delusion, from one place to another to another." 8:00AM EDT 9/17/2018
How Praying in Tongues Can Unlock the Breakthrough You Seek It's a shame so many Christians feel awkward to speak in tongues nowadays. 5:00PM EDT 8/21/2018
40 Days of Prayer and Repentance: How the Church Can Return to God's Presence The body of Christ is divided and broken. God is calling us to a posture of repentance. 3:00PM EDT 8/19/2018
Why So Many Pastors Are Operating Without the Power of God We will never see revival until this changes. 2:00PM EDT 8/17/2018
What Are You Doing to See the Holy Spirit Poured Out on America? Are you actively praying and believing for God to bring revival and healing? If no, then why not? 5:00PM EDT 8/14/2018
How to Pray Through Your Depression You don't have to walk through your depression alone. 3:00PM EDT 8/12/2018
5 Powerful Ways to Pray for the Most Important People in Your Life When you're praying, the minutes fly by, and the presence of the Lord is tangible! 8:00AM EDT 8/3/2018
3 Helpful Tips When You Feel You Can't Pray God has an incredible way of helping us to pray when we feel like we can't. 5:00PM EDT 7/5/2018
Your Surprising Key to Raising a Generation Dangerous in Prayer What's the train whistle God has given you? 5:00PM EDT 6/18/2018
3 Powerful Prayer Practices for a More Fruitful Ministry As you read on, ask the Holy Spirit to nudge you about the practices he wants in your prayer life these days. 2:00PM EDT 6/7/2018
Pastor, This Is Why Your Prayers Matter God will hear your prayer from wherever you are. 8:00AM EDT 6/5/2018
The Key to Speaking Words That Trounce Your Demonic Enemy He has given us the power, but we need to come to a realization that our words are prophetic. 5:00PM EDT 5/26/2018
The Real Reason Most of Your Church Doesn't Go to Prayer Meetings There are three things to work on to allow the prayer meeting to come alive. 5:00PM EDT 5/18/2018
5 Million People to Gathered Last Week to Lift Their Hearts in Unity for National Day of Prayer From the earliest days of our republic, prayer has been foundational to the very fabric of our culture. 9:00AM EDT 5/6/2018
Shawn Bolz: How I Find a Deeper Place of Praying in the Spirit He also shares the most significant prophetic word he's ever received. 5:00PM EDT 5/3/2018
After Robert Morris Catches Pneumonia, His Wife Issues Prayer Alerts Debbie Morris described the past few days as "highly emotional, physically draining and spiritually exhausting." 3:00PM EDT 4/15/2018