Why God's Plan for the Lost Requires Your Obedience You must surrender to Him, something many don't want to do. 5:00PM EDT 8/6/2019
How to Equip the Next Generation With the Power of the Spirit Dr. Billy Wilson leads E21 so every person on earth has the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit. 2:00PM EDT 7/8/2019
Plant Your Feet in Your Calling If you're not seeing growth in your ministry, this might be why. 8:00AM EDT 7/1/2019
This Is Why You Keep Running From God's Call on Your Life This pastor says many Christians are on the retreat, and he knows why. 2:00PM EDT 6/20/2019
How to Execute God's Will With Supernatural Excellence Daniel fulfilled his duties as a subject and received divine blessing. 8:00AM EDT 5/20/2019
Don't Let the Devil—Or Your Own Heart—Make You Miss Your Calling God can redeem a life that misses it calling, but it's still tragic. 2:00PM EDT 5/10/2019